Help our Club out and Donate today
As a newly formed club, our funds are low, and we have very little equipment. Amateur radio allows individuals to connect across the airwaves to other communities, cities and even countries! Unfortunately, radio equipment can be more costly. Amateur (or the nickname HAM) radio operators can help provide communications in times of disasters or when other communications go down. Radios don’t require an monthly service plan, like cell phones or internet, yet, can provide the same type of communication through texting, emailing, or voice. As an Ham operator, you can even listen to or talk with astronauts on the International Space Station!
Goals the club could achieve with your donation
Club Repeater System to help members reach beyond the local Seward area. Seward’s unique beauty also creates unique difficulties with communicating with “line of sight” operators. Our tall mountains, and steep valley don’t allow radio signals to travel far. A repeater system could allow us to be able to eventually reach Moose Pass, and even Cooper Landing and Anchorage. Our hope is to one day be able to unite communications in our communities.
Meeting Place with Secure Access. Since all amateur radio operators are licensed by the FCC, club equipment should be secured for members only. Having a place where we can hold monthly meetings , project days, use and store our club radio equipment in a secure manner will encore monthly fees. Currently, we don’t have much equipment, but the equipment we do have are maintained and held by members, who need to pack up and transport it into our meeting location. Having a location where everything can stay, have its place and be connected would simplify our meetings and project days, allowing us to focus on our task or project for the day. Of course, radio equipment does take electricity to run, so there will be monthly fees for whatever essential utilities not covered in a monthly rental fee.
Club Events. Some club events might involve projects such as members building antennas or morse code key kits. In addition to projects to build, demonstrations at schools or other festivals could involve educating students and the public.
Fundraising ideas. Since our club is brand new, funds are of course limited, so your donations could help us purchase initial items like t-shirts, hats, etc to sell during fairs or from our website to help create a yearly budget.