here you will find the scripts for Net Control Operators to use for Wednesday and Saturday nets. In the future, we hope to have script and logger for emergencies. As you perform the net, write down the call ins and make any notes for issues. After the net is closed, go to the form below and fill in who contacted. In the message area, note any issues people had (not a clear signal, several attempts made, relay needed, etc), note any none member call ins and any issues with equipment or contacts. Also add in of course, any emergency messages, and any messages relayed by the net or others about weather or other issues, i.e. did you hear we are in a flood watch, or there was a giant brown bear wondering my neighborhood. The club’s secretary will the enter this in the clubs permanent logbook for record keeping. Thank you for running the net.
Wednesday Night Net Script
Is this frequency in use?…. is this frequency in use?
Good evening. It is 6:30 PM Wednesday Night] and time for the Seward Amateur Radio Club Wednesday Night Check-in. My name is __________. My call is sign is __________. I will be the net controller and using the club call sign KL7SWD. This net meets every Wednesday Night on the Seward repeater on 147.120 MHz, input of 147.720 MHz with a CTCSS Tone of 100.0 Hz. The purpose of this net is to exchange communication and practice operating skills in case of an emergency.
The Seward Amateur Radio Club meets the first Saturday of every month at Bear Creek Fire Department at 10 AM. Project day is in the same location the third Saturday of every month at 10 AM. Please check our website at: www.sewardamateurradioCLUB.comor Facebook page for more information.At this time are there any stations with emergency traffic? Please check-in now, KL7SWD.
[Acknowledge any emergency check-in stations, stations using ‘break’, ‘mayday’, ‘pan pan’, or ‘security’.]
No emergency stations heard at this time. We will go ahead with regular check-ins. Please use your first name and call sign, KL7SWD.
Acknowledge stations checking in after one minute pause. Go through list and check with each station for net traffic. Give each station a signal report and ask for one in return. At the end of the list keep asking for check-ins.
After two calls for check-ins without a response close the net. There appears to be no more check-ins for the net. The Seward Amateur Radio Club Wednesday Night Check in meets on this repeater next week at 6:30 PM local time. I have been your net controller __________. At this time, I will be returning the frequency to general amateur use, KL7SWD.
Stay on frequency and listen for any after-net traffic for 1-2 minutes.
Saturday Morning Net Script
Is this frequency in use?…. is this frequency in use?
Good morning. It is 11 AM Saturday morning and time for the Seward Amateur Radio Club Two Meter Simplex Net. My name is __________. My call is sign is __________. I will be the net controller and using the club call sign KL7SWD. This net meets every Saturday on 146.520 MHz. The purpose of this net is to exchange communication and practice operating skills in case of an emergency.
The Seward Amateur Radio Club meets the first Saturday of every month at Bear Creek Fire Department at 10 AM. Project day is in the same location the third Saturday of every month at 10 AM. Please check our website at: or Facebook page for more information. At this time are there any stations with emergency traffic? Please check-in now, KL7SWD.
[Acknowledge any emergency check-in stations, stations using ‘break’, ‘mayday’, ‘pan pan’, or ‘security’.]
No emergency stations heard at this time. We will go ahead with regular check-ins. Please use your first name and call sign, KL7SWD.
Acknowledge stations checking in after one minute pause. Go through list and check with each station for net traffic. Give each station a signal report and ask for one in return. At the end of the list keep asking for check-ins.
After two calls for check-ins without a response close the net. There appears to be no more check-ins for the net. The Seward Amateur Radio Club Simplex Net meets every Saturday at 11 AM local time. I have been your net controller __________. At this time I will be returning the frequency to general amateur use, KL7SWD.
Stay on frequency and listen for any after-net traffic for 1-2 minutes.